“Development, manufacturing and application of Carbon Fibers and Fibre-based materials: the new frontier for low cost and green processes”

Industrial Technologies 2016, Amsterdam, 22 June 13:30-15:00 hr

Coordinated by Achilleas Stalios, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation

Co-chair: Prof. Costas Charitidis, University of Athens – Matteo Falasconi, Warrant Group srl

Carbon fibre composites are considered the materials of the future: they are 80% lighter than steel and 50% lighter than aluminium, having at the same time superior characteristics in terms of mechanical strength and modulus. In the next decade there will be a steady increase demand of advanced high-performance composites from traditional and new industrial segments: aerospace, automotive, energy, sporting goods and many other applications. In the transport sector, in particular, there is enormous potential: ultralight composites will serve to reduce the mass of many vehicle components (body, chassis, braking systems and internal parts) and then to drastically reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The Workshop will present an overview of the most recent results achieved by the EU FP7 funded projects belonging to the Carbon Fibres & Advanced High Performance Composites Technology Cluster (NEWSPEC, CARBOPREC and FIBRALSPEC) followed by an open roundtable discussion with involved stakeholders: researchers, industries and the European Commission. The project clustering activity under H2020 aims to bring together EC funded projects to enable the sharing of ideas, results and concepts and to use the synergistic effect to improve the dissemination and exploitation of the project results and enhance their impact. The Carbon Fibres & Advanced High Performance Composites initiative is encouraged by the European Commission to create a network of excellence on development, manufacturing and application of future engineered composite materials. The Workshop will be of high interest for both scientists and industries working in this field and it will be a unique opportunity of debate on the new frontier of low cost and green composite materials, a key priority of H2020 work programmes.